Super simple installation in 3 minutes

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What’s this plugin?

This is a universal WordPress optimization plugin. Since we’ve started working with clients 8 years ago, we’ve managed to collect the most useful WordPress optimization functions and combine it all in one. The biggest advantage is that it doesn’t replace such plugins as Yoast SEO, Autoptimize, Wp super cache. It, instead, completes them and increases productivity.

Plugin for users and freelancers

For users: we’ve already found what you really need for your site optimization. Just 3 simple steps ahead: install the plugin -> read the tips -> enable/disable checkboxes. In case of any difficulties, feel free to check out our free video tutorials.

For freelancers: now you can do you work projects way faster! Configure the plugin on the first launch, set up the optimal component configuration and transfer the settings to another website in a minute!

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Why all WordPress websites should have this plugin?

We are 100% sure that you use SEO, caching and security plugins! Clearfy extends their functionality, fixes the errors and deficiencies. You get a large set of hacks and functions for 100% free!


Get rid of the most popular SEO-errors, attract more visitors from search engines, and improve website search engine indexing.


Get extra 200 additional functions and make your WordPress experience faster and easier.


You download a plugin from the official WordPress repository. We constantly update and test the product.


Enables/disables functions helping to increase your website security.


Increases performance by disabling unused functions and ceasing the number of requests.


This is a universal plugin that can replace up to 50 individual optimization plugins.

Doesn't replace the popular protection and optimization plugins, just by complimenting them!


If you haven’t heard about our plugin before, then, most likely, you’d ask yourself one simple question: “What are the use cases and project types where I can use this plugin?”

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Examples below describes general functions, which can be used for various website types. The list of all functions can be found when you install the plugin on your website.

User-friendly interface

When designing the plugin interface, our primary focus was its usability and speed of settings.

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Disable unused functions

WordPress is a universal CMS, which means that the platform is full of different functions and widgets in order to customize the website to various themes. Clearfy allows you to disable unused functions and widgets, which mean you will get rid of all irrelevant!

Disable blogging system

There’s no need in blogging and RSS functionality on landing page. Disable these options and save your hosting resources.

Disable unused metaboxes

Plugin and themes can add metaboxes on the Edit page, cluttering interface and producing extra load. If you think you don’t need any metaboxes, then just remove them.

Remove unused post types

There are tons of beautiful and multifunctional WordPress themes, and most of them have specific post types, such as “Portfolio”, “Reviews”, etc. These types may be completely useless on your website, therefore it should be possible to remove them.

Disable comments

In some landings there’s a need to disable comment system at all. You can’t fully turn off this feature using WordPress, as you are allowed to hide them.

Remove unused widgets

There are more than a dozen of widgets, add here your theme widgets as well. You may not use most of the widgets, and now are able to remove them.

Disable updates

Continuous updates of themes and plugins may be quite annoying. Disable updates even for a week, and then enable to update themes & plugins at once.

The result: you save your server resources, and your WordPress becomes more faster and easier

Extends SEO plugins

Analyzing popular SEO plugin we came to realize that some of the most important functions in terms of promoting the website are missing.

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The result: basic SEO mistakes are eliminated, the website is easily promoted in search engines

Clearfy is the most popular plugin 2017-2018!

Installations for 4 months
five star reviews
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We are not marketers, and don’t need to make up any statistic or false reviews. You can check actual statistics on


Protects your website from hack attacks

Most of WordPress websites suffer from hack attacks, because this platform is quite popular, and hackers know about its problems and vulnerabilities. How to protect your website? We’ve prepared TOP of hot and recommended modes for your website basic protection!

Hide login page

Dozens of bots attack your login to WordPress admin page daily. They are sorting various passwords trying to gain access to the admin panel. How about hiding this page from bots and prying eyes?

Hide your WordPress

What if hackers and bots wouldn’t know that you’ve been using WordPress? They wouldn’t know how to attack your website if the basic information is missing, which means, your website is safe.

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Follow Top-15 recommendations

We’ve prepared a checklist of Top-15 recommendations allowing to protect your website from hack attacks. Safety is simple!

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Set a limit of login attempts

Limits the login attempts number to the admin page. Helps to block unwanted bots and hackers.

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Protect the website from spam

Protects comment & contracts forms and WordPress API from spam.

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Build a firewall

Stops bot attacks, can block IP-addresses and control incoming traffic.

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What are the consequences of the reckless attitude to the website security? Viruses, backdoors, casino ads and so on…. But the worst part is that your website can be filtered by search engines. How much do you think it will cost you to hire a freelancer who will clean up your website?

Speeds up your website pages

The speed of load affects your SEO in general and bounce rate in particular. Our plugin helps you speed up your pages by disabling functions, scripts and fonts of your theme.

Disable Scripts and Styles

The powerful scripts and styles manager helps you to disable unused scripts, styles and fonts to cease the number of requests on your page and its total weight.

Code Cleaner

This plugin cleans your website from unwanted links, parts of the code and rarely used & unwanted styles.

Html minify

Helps to compress HTML code, removing spaces, HTML comments and extra code to reduce your website weight.

Script Combining

WordPress loads scripts of your plugin and the theme separately by default. This causes extra request on the browser window and slows down the page. Our plugin collects all scripts and styles in one file and then caches it. 

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Asynchronous Script Loading

All scripts, styles, fonts and images are loaded in the queue by default. And the bottom of the page can be displayed only after all prior resources are loaded. Our plugin helps to postpone resource loading until the total loading of the website is over.

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Image Optimization

This our image optimizer uses a smart combination of the best optimization and lossy compression algorithms to shrink JPEG and PNG images to the minimum possible size while keeping the required level of quality.

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The result: your website loads faster, the promotion and indexation figures improve.

The most popular among counterparts

There’s nothing new in our idea, and there are counterparts in the network – successful or not. How come that our plugin became so popular?

Safe for Your Website

When you use several plugins created by unknown developers, there might be vulnerability issues and chances to get hacked. Using Clearfy means that you trust your website to one developer who actually cares about product’s reputation.

Free Support and Updates

We provide free support and active development of the product made by the team of professional developers. Most of the problems are solved within a day!

All-in-one plugin

The most useful WordPress optimization functions. You don’t need to search for what’s best for your site anymore. Our plugin can replace up to 50 individual plugins without lowering website loading.

Easy Setting and User-friendly Interface

Color indicators of safe and dangerous settings, detailed tooltips. You set up the plugin initially for 5-20 minutes, and then you are able to transfer settings to your other website in a minute.

Don't slow down your website

Plugin contains many functions, but you use only those of them that you actually need. Plugin is divided to huge amount of components, and in inactive mode, they doesn’t produce any load to the website.

Doesn’t Replace Popular Plugins

We don’t compete with such giants as Yoast SEO. We implement only those functions that can extend popular plugins and make them more productive.

User reviews

Based on our users’ opinion, Clearfy helped them to solve optimization problems and speeded up their projects.

This is one of the plugins which hooks you from the first moment. Super beautiful user interface and big bunch of really awesome options to slim down WordPress. Disable comments, manage scripts, disable unused features, improve security. I’m using it on every project. Highly recommended plugin.
Tobias Mattz
Hello! I have a “twenty-fifteen” theme. After applying this plugin, I have following results on Page Speed Tools: mobile – 93 (was 73), desktop – 95(was 89) with a notice from Google: “Great job! This page applies most performance best practices and should deliver a good user experience.” I am very happy! Thank you very, match indeed!
Bill Twinsley
Great performance from this plugin. Does it’s work quietly in the background. Has worked great on our WooCommerce site with Dreamhost hosting. Has been stable and reliable and is regularly enhanced. Great plugin!
Nick Buso
I’ve been blogging for 12 years and I have no idea why I discovered Clearfy only recently. This is a genius plugin in so many respects… keep up the great work.
Ritchie Pettauer
I already sent a donation to the developer and want to thank him here again. What a great plugin seriously. So simple to use, but offers so much in the way of eliminating junk and security flaws. The new version even added the ability to change your login address for security. AWESOME!!!! I always want to minimize the amount of plugins I have installed, and this is helping me do that more and more with every release. PS – PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not discontinue development of this amazing plugin.
Bryan Granse
Clearfy has reduced the need for 3 other performance plugins down to just this one with all the features of the others combined into a neat and very well commented interface. “Clearfy” + “W3TC” + “WordPress Performance Pack” = the fastest possible frontend & admin performance we have been able to achieve with over 150 plugins running!
Marcus Quinn

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  • Basic support (no more than 3 days)
  • Doesn’t support multisites
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