Comparison of Plans for Clearfy Plugin

Clearfy FreeCompomentClearfy Business
+Cyrlitera - transliteration of links and file names+
+Optimize Yoast Seo+
+Post tools+
+Admin bar manager+
+Disable admin notices+
+Disable widgets+
+Disable comments+
+Assets Manager+
+Minify and combine (JS, CSS)+
+Html minify+
+Robin image optimizer free+
+Hide login page+
-Hide my wp pro+
-Multisite control+
-Assets manager Pro+
-Update manager Pro+
-SEO friendly images+
-Page Cache+
-Optimize woocommerce pro (coming soon)+
-All in one GDPR Compatibility pro (coming soon)+
-White label pro (coming soon)+

Note, please! The components marked as “Coming Soon” are under development, so you will not be able to download them after purchase, but you will be able to receive them in the near future at no additional charge.

Recent reviews

What a great contribution to the wordpress environment. Your plugin serves a vital function, is well coded and clearly presented. I couldn’t really afford it but I went ahead and donated. Thanks
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Sri Shunyata
I’ve been blogging for 12 years and I have no idea why I discovered Clearfy only recently. This is a genius plugin in so many respects… keep up the great work.
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Ritchie Pettauer
I’ve been looking for a plugin that does exactly this for at least 5 years. Really grateful to the developer for making a simple, lightweight plugin that cleans up the WordPress dashboard and prevents plugins from nagging my clients. This really should be built-in to WordPress.
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