Comparison of caching plugins

If you intend on managing your own server or are using shared hosting, these are the caching plugins to try out. Some of them are more intuitive than others, but all of them have great reviews. Many online posts will try to compare the speeds of caching plugins and sell you on the best one. However, this is almost impossible because these plugins are going to perform differently based on your own server, configuration, resources, and even physical location.

We love speed tests just as much as the next person, but deeming a plugin as “the fastest” is also unfair to the plugin’s author, as what works best for one user, might not for another. Not to mention there are hundreds of different settings that could be enabled or disabled. Therefore, you should always test WordPress caching plugins yourself.

FeaturesClearfyWP Fastest CacheW3Total CacheWP Super Cache
Desktop Cache Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mobile Cache Yes Yes Yes Yes
Widget Cache Yes Yes Yes Yes
Minify HTML Yes Yes Yes No
Minify CSS Yes Yes Yes No
Combine CSS Yes Yes Yes No
Aggregate inline CSS Yes No No No
Inline and Defer CSS Yes No Yes No
Inline all CSS Yes No Yes No
Minify JS Yes Yes Yes No
Combine JS Yes Yes Yes No
Aggregate inline JS Yes No No No
Move js to footer Yes Yes Yes No
Force JavaScript in Yes No Yes No
GZIP Yes Yes Yes No
Browser Caching Yes Yes Yes No
Image OptimizationAddon Yes No No
Convert WebPAddon Yes No No
Asset Manager (Advanced script manager)Addon No No No
Cache Google Analytics & Facebook Pixel Yes No No No
Google Fonts Async Yes Yes No No
Async JavaScript Yes Yes Yes No
Disable Heartbeat & Heartbeat frequency Yes No Yes No
Lazy Load Yes Yes No No
CDN compatibility Yes Yes Yes Yes
Clear the unnecessary scripts Yes No No No
Manage revisions and post autosave Yes No No No
DNS Prefetch Yes No No No
Preload Fonts Yes No No No
Basic SEO optimization Yes No No No
Automatically insert the Last Modified header Yes No Yes No
Global disabling of comments Yes No No No
Comments Cleaner Yes No No No
Hide Login page Yes No No No
Hide My Wp Yes No No No
Hide admin notices Yes No No No
Price$39 - 3 sites$49.99 - 1 site$99 - 1 siteFree

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