How to hide additional Clearfy menu in the admin bar

  1. Documentation
  2. Clearfy
  3. How to hide additional Clearfy menu in the admin bar

When you use tons of plugins, it is pretty hard to find the necessary one promptly, as your admin bar is overwhelmed with many buttons. So one day you just want to get rid of all extra options. And sometimes you want to do that with the Clearfy menu too. Somehow, users may find its menu quite unhelpful and want to hide it right away. In this post, we will show how to remove extra menus from the admin bar fast and easy. But at first, let’s talk about menus’ usefulness and why you shouldn’t be hurrying up in removing it.


Why it is better not to remove the Clearfy menu from the admin bar

Reason #1: menu gives you quick access to the Script manager of any website page. Just open the page (in the Preview mode, not in Edit) and select the necessary line in the menu.

How to hide additional Clearfy menu in the admin bar

Script manager shows all used items (css, js, etc.) and can disable unwanted files to increase your website performance. As the feature works only for opened pages, you won’t be able to use it after removing the Clearfy menu from the admin bar.

How to hide additional Clearfy menu in the admin bar

Important: Please, use this feature only if you are familiar with how scripts of individual themes and plugins work. Otherwise, instead of optimization, you can end up with the malfunctioned website.

Reason #2: you have access to the quick clear cache option from the Minify & Combine component. You can’t use it if the component is inactive.

How to hide additional Clearfy menu in the admin bar

You should clear cache after all script-related changes had been made. For example, after you change the theme.

As you can see, quick access to clearing cache is quite useful. You still can use it after removing the menu, but in this case, you’d have to perform extra steps.


How to remove menu from the admin bar

If you still want to remove the Clearfy menu from the admin bar, go to the plugin settings by clicking the icon in the admin bar or from the WordPress console.

How to hide additional Clearfy menu in the admin bar

Now go to the Advanced tab. Change the switcher Hide additional Clearfy menu in the Clearfy settings.

How to hide additional Clearfy menu in the admin bar

After refreshing the page, you won’t see this menu anymore.



You should disable the Clearfy menu in the admin bar only if you don’t really use the features described above. If you plan to use all Clearfy options, just keep the menu, as you may need it quite often.

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